All 6 Pal Spheres in Palworld (with Pictures)

All six Pal Spheres in Palworld.

The more Pal Spheres you use in Palworld, the better you’ll do and the more fun you’ll have.

This article will make you an expert in using Pal Spheres as you level up in Palworld.

You’ll learn how to be efficient at crafting and farming Pal Spheres. Plus, you’ll get some extra tips and tricks to turn Pal Spheres into one of your superpowers.

Level 1 – Collect or Buy Pal Spheres

To get a Pal Sphere at level 1, you need to find them or buy them.

You can find them in treasure chests, on the ground, or as a drop when you kill certain NPCs such as Syndicate Thugs.

To buy Pal Spheres, harvest 8 berry plants for each Pal Sphere you want. Sell your berries and berry seeds to your nearest merchant, such as the Wandering Merchant in the building down the hill from the Small Settlement fast travel statue. Use the proceeds from the berries and berry seeds to buy Pal Spheres for 120 gold each.

The left side of the image shows the Small Settlement location on the Palworld map where Pal Spheres can be purchased. The right side of the image shows the Wandering Merchant in the Small Settlement, who sells the Pal Spheres.

As you travel toward the Wandering Merchant, look for a good base while collecting Stone, Wood, and Paldium Fragments. These can be used at level 2 to craft Pal Spheres.

Naturally, you’ll also want to unlock and use all the level 1 technologies including the Primitive Workbench, which you’ll use to craft a Pal Sphere when you hit level 2.

A screenshot of levels 1, 2, and 3 of the tech tree in Palworld showing a circle around the Primitive Workbench.

Level 2 – Unlock the Palbox and Pal Sphere

At level 2, use the technology tree to unlock the Palbox and the blue Pal Sphere.

The Palbox is the beginning of your base building efforts because the placement of your Palbox establishes the location of your base. Choose a good spot for your Palbox, build it, and start collecting Pals.

The game rewards capturing Pals more than killing Pals. So, you’re going to want to make and use as many Pal Spheres as possible.

Use the Primitive Workbench to craft blue Pal Spheres out of 1 Paldium Fragment, 3 Wood, and 3 Stone per sphere.

A screenshot from Palworld showing the recipe for crafting a blue Pal Sphere.

The blue Pal Sphere is just the first of six spheres. It has a capture power of 7 and is typically best for capturing pals levels 1-9.

Level 5 – Unlock Ranch and Capture Vixys

Up through level 4, you can collect, buy, or craft Pal Spheres. At level 5, you can also begin to farm Pal Spheres.

To farm Pal Spheres, unlock the Ranch technology and build a Ranch on your base. Then, go out and capture some Vixys. Assign some Vixys to your new Ranch and they’ll soon be digging up blue Pal Spheres for you.

Vixys dig up Pal Spheres while assigned to a ranch in Palworld.

Vixys can be found along the red paths near the Desolate Church Fast Travel statue shown in the map here:

A screenshot from Palworld of the part of the map with plentiful numbers of Vixy pals.

Level 6 – Unlock the Statue of Power

At level 6, you’ll want to unlock the Statue of Power technology and then build a Statue of Power on your base.

Level 6 of the tech tree in Palworld where you can unlock the Statue of Power.

You’ll then use this statue to turn in any green Lifmunk Effigies that you find around Palworld. Finding these will get easier at level 15 when you can start flying a Nitewing pal.

(There are also Statues of Power in churches around Palworld, but it will be the most convenient for you to have a statue on your own base.)

Level 14 – Unlock the Mega Sphere and the Sphere Workbench

By level 14, your blue Pal Spheres need an upgrade to the green Mega Spheres. So, unlock the Mega Sphere in the tech tree as well as the Sphere Workbench.

The Sphere Workbench will let you craft blue Pal Spheres and green Mega Spheres now, as well as yellow Giga Spheres at level 20.

Build the Sphere Workbench and use it to craft green Mega Spheres out of 1 Paldium Fragment, 1 Ingot, 5 Wood, and 5 Stone per sphere.

The green Mega Sphere recipe calls for 1 Paldium Fragment, 1 Ingot, 5 Wood, and 5 Stone.

This green Mega Sphere is the second of six spheres. It has a capture power of 12 and is typically best for capturing pals levels 10-19.

Level 15 – Capture a Nitewing and Unlock the Nitewing Saddle

Collecting green Lifmunk Effigies is about to get far easier. Use your new Mega Spheres to go catch yourself a Nitewing. This is a flying pal, which can be found in the following orange locations on the map:

A map of the Nitewing's habitat in Palworld.

Next, unlock the Nitewing Saddle, craft the saddle, and start riding your Nitewing.

Fly all around Palworld collecting Lifmunk Effigies with your awesome Nitewing. Here’s a video by Playing Quietly with all the details:

Be sure to turn the Lifmunk Effigies you collect in at a Statue of Power. You can eventually earn an extra 10 points in capture power with this strategy.

The interface with the Statue of Power in Palworld where players can turn in Lifmunk Effigies in order to enhance their capture power.

Level 20 – Unlock the Giga Sphere

At level 20, unlock the yellow Giga Sphere in the tech tree. Use the Sphere Workbench to craft yellow Giga Spheres out of 2 Paldium Fragments, 2 Ingots, 7 Wood, and 7 Stone each.

The yellow Giga Sphere recipe calls for 2 Paldium Fragments, 2 Ingots, 7 Wood, and 7 Stone.

This yellow Giga Sphere is the third of six spheres. It has a capture power of 20 and is typically best for capturing pals levels 20-29.

Level 22 – Unlock the Stun Baton

If you stun a pal before throwing a sphere at them, you will capture the pal more easily. So, at level 22, unlock the Stun Baton technology and make yourself a Stun Baton.

Level 22 of the tech tree in Palworld where you can unlock the Stun Baton.

Level 27 – Unlock the Sphere Assembly Line and the Hyper Sphere

Use the technology tree to unlock the Sphere Assembly Line and the red Hyper Sphere.

The Sphere Workbench can only make blue Pal Spheres, green Mega Spheres, and yellow Giga Spheres. To make the fourth of six spheres, the red Hyper Sphere, you’ll need the Sphere Assembly Line.

Build the Sphere Assembly Line and then use it to craft red Hyper Spheres out of 3 Paldium Fragments, 3 Ingots, 10 Wood, and 2 Cement per sphere.

The red Hyper Sphere recipe calls for 3 Paldium Fragments, 3 Ingots, 10 Wood, 10 Stone, and 2 Cement.

The red Hyper Sphere has a capture power of 26 and is typically best for capturing pals levels 30-39.

Level 35 – Unlock the Sphere Assembly Line II and the Ultra Sphere

At level 35, you can begin to make the fifth of six spheres, the pink Ultra Sphere by unlocking the Sphere Assembly Line II technology and by building a Sphere Assembly Line II.

Ultra Spheres can be crafted using 5 Paldium Fragments, 5 Refined Ingots, 2 Carbon Fibers, and 3 Cement per sphere.

The pink Ultra Sphere recipe calls for 5 Paldium Fragments, 5 Refined Ingots, 2 Carbon Fiber, and 3 Cement.

The pink Ultra Sphere has a capture power of 32 and is typically best for capturing pals levels 40-49.

Level 44 – Unlock the Legendary Sphere

At level 44, you can use your Sphere Assembly Line II to make the sixth of six spheres, the Legendary Sphere. It has a capture power of 37 and is for capturing level 50 pals.

Legendary Spheres can be crafted using 10 Paldium Fragments, 5 Pal Metal Ingots, 3 Carbon Fibers, and 5 Cement per sphere.

The purple Legendary Sphere recipe calls for 10 Paldium Fragments, 5 Pal Metal Ingots, 3 Carbon Fiber, and 5 Cement.

Here is a video by Drakoviche about crafting Legendary Spheres:

Tips for Using Spheres in Palworld

Check out our article about capturing pals in Palworld for additional tips on becoming a expert with spheres. The article says to:

  • Throw spheres into the back of each pal.
  • Lower a pal’s health before throwing a sphere at them.
  • Stun a pal before throwing a sphere at them.
  • Level up your capture power by regularly turning in Lifmunk Effigies at a Statue of Power.
  • Choose the right type of sphere for the pal you are trying to catch.
  • Use elemental advantages.

Do these six things and you will be well on your way to fully leveraging pal spheres.

Enjoy Capturing Pals in Palworld

By using the tips in this article, you can efficiently capture pals and expand your pal collection.

Let us know on X how capturing pals in Palworld has been going for you.